Competition {10/27/14}
A.Muscle Snatch3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2*Build into a heavy set of 2. 2min rest between sets B.Front SquatBuild into a 5RM, then:4×5…
A.Muscle Snatch3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2*Build into a heavy set of 2. 2min rest between sets B.Front SquatBuild into a 5RM, then:4×5…
A.8min EMOM:3 Power Snatch (tap-n-go)*AHAP. Maintain same weight for all 8 sets. B.GraceFor time:30 C&J (135, 95) C.3 Rounds of:1min weighted plank (AHAP)20…
Main – LeanX View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (No Measure) 5min AMRAP: 10 jumping jacks 10 situps 10 jumping squats 10 HRPU Metcon Metcon…
Main – CrossFit WOD View Public Whiteboard Warm-up (No Measure) Banded OH Distraction 20 Russian Baby Makers Weightlifting Front Squat (Establish 1RM) Metcon…
A.Every 2min for 12min: 3 Cleans from Above Knee*Pull from blocks. Reset each time. Build into a heavy set. B.Strict PressBuild into a…