Tuesday WOD {7/16/13}
WarmSpealler Warmup SkillWall BallsHow to attack intervals WOD5 Rds:1 min Wall Balls1 min Deficit HRPUs (25lb plates)1 min Rest*score is total combined reps…
WarmSpealler Warmup SkillWall BallsHow to attack intervals WOD5 Rds:1 min Wall Balls1 min Deficit HRPUs (25lb plates)1 min Rest*score is total combined reps…
WarmHeavy Day Prep SkillDeadlift WODDeadlift5-5-5-5-5(1, .9×4) Cash-OutFor time:1000m Row50 T2B
Warm3 Rds of:Run 2 laps10 Head through hole (20, 14)10 Inch Worms10 HRPUs10 Squats SkillHow to attack WOD WOD10 Rounds of:30sec HRPUs30sec rest30sec…
WarmHeavy Day Prep SkillBear Complex WOD7 Rounds of: 1 Muscle-Up3 Bear Complex (185, 125) 5 HSPUs Cash-OutLAX Ball Shoulder Mob’ – 2min/sideKneeling Shoulder…
WarmCatalyst Warmup SkillPush Jerk WOD10 Rounds of:30 Sec ME UB Push Jerk (135, 95)30 Sec Rest Cash-Out“Annie”50-40-30-20-10Double UndersSit-ups