Tuesday WOD {6/11/13}
Warm3 Rds of:Run 1 lap6 Sit-to-Stands9 Jumping Squats12 Push-ups SkillRing Dips WOD500m Row Buy-in3 Rds of15 Deadlifts (225, 155)15 Ring Dips500m Row Cash-out…
Warm3 Rds of:Run 1 lap6 Sit-to-Stands9 Jumping Squats12 Push-ups SkillRing Dips WOD500m Row Buy-in3 Rds of15 Deadlifts (225, 155)15 Ring Dips500m Row Cash-out…
WarmOHS Prep SkillOHS WODOHS 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Cash-Out4x Strict Pull-ups to Failure – 90sec rest
WarmHeavy Day Prep SkillHow to attack WOD WODCF TotalEstablish 1RM in this order:Back SquatStrict PressDeadlift*score is total combined weight Cash-OutAthlete’s Choice Mobility
WarmCoach’s Choice SkillDU Progressions WOD“Flight Simulator”Unbroken Double-Unders:5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5*Set must restart everytime DUs are broken. Cash-OutCalf/Ankle Mobility **Reminder – Specialty classes start this Saturday at…