New Albany, Monday, Christmas Eve, 12/24/18
12 Days of ChristmasWe’ll be running heats from 7:00am – 9:20am. Heat start times will be: 7:05am7:40am8:15am8:50am Doors will open at 6:30am. If you plan on…
12 Days of ChristmasWe’ll be running heats from 7:00am – 9:20am. Heat start times will be: 7:05am7:40am8:15am8:50am Doors will open at 6:30am. If you plan on…
CROSSFIT *Deload Week Strength4 Rounds5 SA Ring Row w/ rotation (Each Side)1 Down & Back Sandbag Carry Metcon2 rounds3 min AMRAP300 m row20…
CROSSFIT *Deload WOD2 Rounds for Time:50 Burpee Box Jump Overs50 DB Snatch (50, 35#) COMPETITOR / EXTRA STRENGTHAdaptive athlete WODFor Time:21 – 18…
CROSSFIT *Deload Week StrengthSnatch5 x 3*building MetconFor Time:100 Dubs40 T2B30 Power Cleans (95, 65#)20 Front Squats COMPETITOR / EXTRA STRENGTH4 Rounds10 American Hip…
BRING A FRIEND DAY! CROSSFIT *Deload Week Partner Relay WOD20 min AMRAP10 Ring Rows8 Tuck Ups6 Air Squats2 Wall Walk Ups LONGEVITYA. 3×5KB…