New Albany, Saturday, 12/22/18

2 Rounds for Time:
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
50 DB Snatch (50, 35#)
Adaptive athlete WOD
For Time:
21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3
Seated muscle snatch
arm only cal row
A. 3 Rounds:
20 Line hops (fwd/bwd + Side to side)
10 Bent Knee rocks
10 Supine Rolls
10 Supine Hip Circles
10 Lateral Openers
B. For Time:
100 Quick Mountain Climbers
90 Flutter Kicks
80 Shoulder Taps
70 Alt. V-Ups
60 Plank Rows (35/25)
50 Burpees Over DBs
40 DB Goblet Squats
30 DB Snatches
20 DB Lunges
10 Manmakers
New Year Challenge
We’re bringing back our most successful Nutrition Challenge for a second year! The 4B New Year Challenge will run from January 1st through the 31st and will focus on balancing nutrition, training, and lifestyle.
Registration is now live and closes Thursday, January 3rd. Sign-up sheets will be in the lobby.
Head over to our New Year Challenge web page to get all the details!