New Albany, Sunday, 04/08/18
CROSSFIT *Deload / Reset Week Metcon In a team of 3: 90 Cal Row 300m Sled Drag (lateral) (90, 70) 90 Wall Balls…
CROSSFIT *Deload / Reset Week Metcon In a team of 3: 90 Cal Row 300m Sled Drag (lateral) (90, 70) 90 Wall Balls…
CROSSFIT *Deload / Reset Week Metcon All for time: 40 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20) -2min rest- 6 Rounds of: 3 Strict Pull-ups…
CROSSFIT *Deload / Reset Week Strength 12min to Complete: 3 Rounds: 12 Split Stance RDL / side 100m Suitcase Carry (R) 100m Suitcase…
CROSSFIT *Deload / Reset Week Metcon For time: 100 Jump Rope Singles 90 Step-Ups 80 Medball Rotational Throws 70 Sit-ups 60 Alt Medball…
CROSSFIT *Deload / Reset Week Strength 15min to complete, 3 Rounds: 12 Supine Ring Row 12 Tempo Bench 75s Elbow Bridge *Across. 3s…