Competition {11/22/14}

3 @ .60
3 @ .65
2 @ .70
2 @ .75
1 @ .80
1 @ .85
1 @ .90
*Rest 2min between sets. These are NOT tap-n-go. Reset after each attempt.

Bent Over Barbell Rows
4×8 (AHAP)
*Stand tall then complete the negative of a Romanian deadlift to get into start position. Focus on keeping the torso completely static.

For Completion, 3 Rounds of:
5 ME Broad Jumps
5 One Arm KB OHS (Left arm, 53, 35)
5 One Arm KB OHS (Right arm, 53, 35)
5 Skin the Cats (slow & controlled)
*Standing two foot take off and two foot landing on Broad Jumps. Focus on soft landing with broad jumps. Land, gather yourself, and then complete next jump.

Nasty Girls V2
3 Rounds
50 Pistols (alternating)
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (175, 115)
*16min time cap. 
**Pace this and focus on good form on the pistols. Don’t freak out if you don’t get it in under the cap. This is the same cap from regional.