East, Thursday, 02/22/2018
*Deload Week
30 Minute Partner AMRAP:
P1- 200m Run (5 Down and Back)
P2- 10 Med Ball Rev lunges
10 Ring Row
P2- 200m Run (5 Down and Back)
P1-10 Med Ball Rev lunges
10 Ring Row
1:00 Suitcase Hold (:30s/:30s each side)
*Partners go at the same time
-rest day-
30 Min EMOM:
1. ME Assault Bike Calories
2. 50 Double Unders
3. ME Ring Rows
4. 20 Alternating V-Ups
5. ME Med Ball Slams
6. Rest
The 2018 Crossfit open starts this week. As a reminder we will be running those workouts on Saturdays from 9-11am. Please show up ready to sign up for Heats on the chalkboard. We will not be running a LeanX class on Saturdays through the entirety of the Open, however, we will scale those workouts so that those who typically take LeanX can come participate!!