East, Thursday, 05/10/2018


Deload Week – Next week we will start our new 4 week cycle. On M/W/F we will rotate through Back Squat, Barbell Bench Press, and RDL. No tempo on any movements and all for sets for 10 reps. Focus on good quality movement over having to go 110% on every workout, that way you are fresh and ready to tackle our base week next week. 


15 Minute AMRAP

20 Lateral Box Step Up (10L/10R)
20 WB Push Press
20 KB DL 53, 35
20 Plank w/Alt Reach
20 Russian Twists w/Plate




10 Min EMOM:

1. ME Strict Pull Ups
2. ME Pistols


5 Rounds:

2 Mins to Complete:
20 Box Step Ups
Me Jump Squats
-Rest 1 minute between sets-