*Load Week
8min Alt EMOM:
Odd: 30s Chin-ups
Even: 30s Ring Dips
*Tempo: 2s iso, 3-5s ecc
20 Minute AMRAP
Triple Partner Waterfall
Station 1.
10 Toe to Bar
10 Burpee
Station 2.
Max Cal Row
Station 3.
**Rotate everytime Station 1 Finishes**
3 Rounds:
Min 1: SL Drops 5/side
Min 2: 20s Pogo Jumps
Min 3: 30s Hollow Rock
Min 4: 30s Wall Walk-up
Min 5: Rest
8min amrap
10 SA KB Push Press/Side
10 Ring Rows
100m Run
6 Min Amrap:
20 KB Toe Taps
10 KB High Pulls
5 KB Squat Clean and Press
4 Min Amrap:
20 KB Mountain Climbers
30 Lateral Hops over KB
- We’ve entered week 2 of the Whole30 Challenge! Great work to all of our challengers thus far! Hopefully we’ve all made it through the sugar withdrawal at this point!
- The Central East Regional kicks off this Friday – Head over to to checkout all the action.
- Saturday – 8am Weightlifting, 9am CrossFit and LeanX Combined, 10am CrossFit – NO OPEN GYM after 11am
- “Murph” is this coming Monday (5/28) at 9am. Remember this is open to the entire Community and we will have 3 scale options. Please arrive 15 minutes early if you plan on bringing someone who has never been to the gym so they can fill out a waiver.
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