Main – LeanX
(No Measure)
Coach led down & backs
dynamic ROM
Metcon (Weight)
8min EMOM:
4 goblet squats + 4 RKBS + 2 burpees
*pick a weight can maintain and still have 15-20 seconds left each min
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
50 situps
40 wall balls
30 ring rows
20 db push press
10 burpee over box
400m run
*13 min cap
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
10 DB snatches
50 singles (can do dubs if have)
8 DB snatches
40 singles
6 DB snatches
30 singles
4 DB snatches
20 singles
2 DB snatches
10 singles
*10min cap
5min foam roll