New Albany, Tuesday, 07/03/18

*Deload Week / Throwback Week – Testing out our 5RM bench this week as well as pulling out a few WODs from the very first week was published back in 2001. WOD from Monday, 02.12.2001

15min “Warmup”
Bike, Row, Run
*Rotate every 5min to accommodate equipment

For time:
30-25-20-15-10 of:
Medball Goblet Squats (20, 14)
Assisted Pull-ups
*Half body weight as assistance on pull-ups

Mobility / Recovery:
Mobility / Breath work Cashout:
2min Recovery Breathing
2min Couch Stretch
2min Table Stretch



3 Rounds NFT:
25 Bent Knee Hollow Rocks
8 Arch Holds (5s each)
3 Wall Walk-Ups



A. With a Partner for Time:
2000m Row
50 DB Box Step Ups
1500m Row
50 Tuck Ups
1000m Row
50 Tuck Ups
1500m Row
50 DB Box Step Ups
2000m Row
*35min cap



  • 4B New Albany is closed tomorrow (7/4) for Independence Day – We’ll be posting an outdoor / at home WOD to the blog tonight. All you’ll need to complete it is a jump rope (and somewhere to run). 
  • Competitor Group Training –  this Saturday (7/7) in New Albany at 11am. Anyone interested in competing is welcome to attend.
  • Sign-up for a Functional Movement Screen in the lobby. All 4B members get 1 FMS and 1 retest a year included with their membership!