East, Wednesday, 01/31/18

*Deload Week*


6 Minute EMOM
3 Squat Clean

*same weight across


For time:

2 Rounds

25 OHS 75, 55
25 Box Jump 24, 20
25 Tuck Up

RX+ 95, 65

*10 Minute Cap


6 min EMOM

5 Deadlifts

*Moderately Heavy
**Objective is to practice cycling deadlifts with good position and without bouncing the bar


20 Min EMOM

Min 1. 45 Sec Battle Ropes
Min 2. 45 Box Step Ups
Min 3. 45 Sec AKBS
Min 4. 45 Sec Shuttle Sprints


Cash Out
3 Rounds

15 Sec Plank Hold
15 Sec Push ups
30 Sec Rest


The InBody unit will be back at East starting tomorrow evening and remain here until the afternoon of the 8th. If you participated in the Nutrition Challenge this is your opportunity to get in your second scan, its not mandatory, however, it would be great if you could schedule this with your groups coach! If you did not do the Nutrition Challenge you may also sign up for an InBody scan if you would like to learn more about your bodies composition, it is $40 for a scan and will be charged through your Wodify account. 

MOBILITY THURSDAY!!! We would like to welcome back Mobility class tomorrow. As a reminder this will take place at 5:30pm with coach Sam and Zack and will be offered the first Thursday of the month going forward, so grab a bottle of water and come get flexy!