East, Wednesday, 04/11/2018


*Testing Week*


Bench Press
15min to build to a heavy 5

*Must use a spotter on bench


ME UB Push-ups (plate + abmat)
ME UB Pull-ups (strict)

*Push-ups = Use a 15# plate for toes and an abmat for chest on push-ups. Flat plank position. Chest / ribs touches abmat. Terminate the set it you spend more than 1sec at the top.
**Pull-ups = Full extension, with a 1 second pause at the bottom for each rep. Chin neutral and eyes straight forward at the top. 
***Partner up and judge each other.

*No extra competitor work this week. Competitors should put all their effort and intensity into preparing for and executing tests.


A. 6 Min AMRAP:
15 L-Sit Leg Raises
15 Med Ball Push ups
15 KB High Pull/Side

B. 4 Rounds; New round every 4 Mins:
50m Suitcase Carry (R)
50m Suitcase Carry (L)
50 Air Squats