East, Friday, 05/11/2018


Deload Week – Next week we will start our new 4 week cycle. On M/W/F we will rotate through Back Squat, Barbell Bench Press, and RDL. No tempo on any movements and all for sets for 10 reps. Focus on good quality movement over having to go 110% on every workout, that way you are fresh and ready to tackle our base week next week. 


Clean and Jerk Complex

6 Minute EMOM
2 P. Clean + 1 Jerk


2 Rounds

75m Right Hand OH DB/KB Walk
75m Left Hand OH DB/KB Walk

1:00 Rest

75m RH KB FR Walk
75m LH KB FR Walk

1:00 Rest

75m DB/KB Farmers Carry

1:00 Rest


3 Rounds:

10 Single Leg Goblet Squat (R)
10 Single Leg Goblet Squat (L)
30s False Grip Hang (rings)
*Rest as needed between movements and sets.



“The Joey 45”

400m Run
45 Pull ups
400m Run
45 Wall Balls
400m Run
45 Sit Ups
400m Run
45 Burpees