East, Thursday, 01/25/18
CROSSFIT *Performance Week* 35 Min Partner AMRAP 1000m Row 50 Tuck ups 50 Walking lunges 4 Rig to Wall Suitcase Carry (53, 35)…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week* 35 Min Partner AMRAP 1000m Row 50 Tuck ups 50 Walking lunges 4 Rig to Wall Suitcase Carry (53, 35)…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week* Metcon 21 min AMRAP 8 Wall Walk Ups 20 Tuck Ups 30 sec Hollow Body Hang 40 Box Step Ups…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week* Strength: Front Squat: Build to a heavy 3 -then- 2 x 3 @ 90% of heavy 3 Metcon: 12 Minute…
CROSSFIT *Performance Week* Strength: Front Squat Build to a heavy 3 -then- 2 x 3 @ 90% of heavy 3 Metcon 8 min…
CROSSFIT *Load Week* Gymnastic/Strength 12 min to Complete 4 Rounds 5 – 7 Strict T2B + 8 – 12 Kipping T2B 5 Low…