5 Rounds
Barbell Complex
5 Bent Over Row
5 Power Clean, knee
5 Front Squat
5 Shoulder Press
5 Back Squat
5 Good Mornings
8 minutes for Quality:
8 Shovel Deadlifts (Each Side)
8 Hanging Straight Leg Raises
A. Movement Flow
2 Rounds:
2 Rig to Wall Down and Backs
10 90/90 Transitions
10 Rockbacks
10 Hip Rockers
10 SL IR/ERs
10 Prone Ts and Ys
B. 6 Min EMOM:
1. 5 Bent Knee Hollow Body Rocks + 10 Tuck Ups
2. T2B Practice
8 Min Ladder:
2 Pistol Squats
2 Pull Ups
* reps increase by 2s
D. 3 Rounds:
30 Sec FA Plank
30 Sec Side Plank (r)
30 Sec Side Plank (l)
30 Sec rest
3 Rounds:
6 High Box Step-ups / side
6 SA DB Bench / side
6 Bird Dogs / side
*3s negative (3s hold on bird dogs)
With a Partner
12min AMRAP:
40 Cal Bike
30 Medball Over Shoulder
20 Lateral Step-overs
10 Push-ups
*one partner working at a time
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