Gymnastics HSPU
10 minutes to Complete 3 times:
Negative + Kipping
(4 + 6) x 1
*after each set :25 hollow body rock
w/ Partner
18 Minute AMRAP
20 Toe to Bar
30 Alt DB Snatch 50, 35
40 Cal Row
*split work evenly
Pistol Strength / Progressions
2 Rounds:
10 Bird Dogs (5/side)
10 Side Plank With Rotation (5/side)
10 Shin Boxes (5/side)
10 Single Leg Squat (opposite foot stretched behind)
Counter Balance Pistols to Box
3×6 Per Side
*Even if you have your pistol, use a 10-15 plate and a short box to create a flat back, tall chest, and knee wider than toe position. Only lightly touch box. This is to teach you to maintain tension in the bottom vs bottoming out. Add plates to box to work from a height that will put your heel, knee, and spine into a perfect position.
5 Min Movement Flow:
10 Blackburns
10 Scorpians
5 Push Up to Down Dog
10 Supine Rolls
10 SL Raises
10 Jumping Jacks
8 Mins to complete 4 Sets
10 Bicep Curls
10 DB High Pulls
10 Shoulder Presses
10-1 of:
Plate GTOH (45, 25)
Plate Shuffle
Burpees to Plate
Plate Russian Twists
- No Mobility Class this Thursday – we will resume next month!
- KF18 is this Saturday, September 29th. If you’re competing or volunteering, you should have received an email with assignments and/or information for the day. If you plan to spectate, events will run from 8:45am – 3pm. East will be CLOSED all day. Come out and party it up with your #4BFamily on Saturday.
- October On-Ramp starts on the 1st at 7pm!!
- Tighten up your diet and join our October #NoBS Challenge! Registration and details can be found at the front desk.
- Strongman Sunday w/ Coach Cam this Sunday the 30th!
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